Brisbane Senior Artists
This year's theme is the media of oil paint used in various combinations from realistic to abstract pictures.
Brisbane City Hall Conference Rm, 50 Park Pl, Brisbane, CA M-Tu - Th 9-5, W 9-8, F 9-12
Closing Reception Wed. Oct 27, 6-8 PM
Tom Bayne - where the twain meet
Oil on canvas, 11x14", $125
Tom Bayne - After the Rain
Oil on canvas, 11x14", $125

Jeanne Hill - Saki/Soji Oil on wood, 12x10", $100

Jacqueline Wong - Hope at Dawn - Oil on canvas, 16x14", make an offer
Jacqueline Wong - Saved at Dusk Oil on canvas, 16x14", make an offer
Jeri Sulley - Brisbane - Blue View - oil on canvas, 11x14", $100
questions, corrections, etc. direct to seanyore at yahoo dot com